(888) 555-5555
Art of Office Warfare is filled with a knowledgeable staff, comprised of many veterans to the great cubicle wars of 2014. These soldiers survived through grueling work hours, tasteless coffee and rug burn to bring you first hand knowledge on surviving in today's work environment. They can provide you with the Tips and Tricks.

Let me paint you a picture. You pull into the office parking lot after dealing with a hour of traffic and no sleep. Your badge fails to let you into the building so you keep your head down while you follow someone else in. You shuffle into the crowded elevator, the smell of perfume, tobacco, and bars from last night permeate the air. The sounds of muffled coughs and heavy sighs pierce the silence. Ding! A few people shuffle off. Ding! A few more this time. Ding! Your turn arrives as you funnel out of the door. The pale, artificial light floods upon your face as you readjust your briefcase. You drop your bag in your cubicle, sit down in front of a 15 year old machine and turn it on. You walk into the break room to get a cup of coffee. The pot is empty again. You slam it down and go to walk back to your desk. You notice how quiet everything has gotten. You tense up, knowing what is coming next. The first foam bullet connects with your mug, sticking straight out. Next thing you know, you are rolling behind the closest cubicle wall, heart pounding. You don't know what to do. This is where we come in!
He's a man!